MAACKT is a brand and webshop for lasercut home decoration design products. I started MAACKT during the first semester of my Industrial Design Master.

Having acquired a lot of affinity and knowledge on digital production throughout my education, I decided to exploit this. I decided to make some laser-cutted products first. Laser-cutting being a mature technology allows for high quality consumer ready products, whilst retaining the flexibility of digital production. Next to this I really like the natural look of laser-cut products and the fact that it clearly shows how it is made and constructed. I started with some home decoration products and small furniture like lamps, vases and bowls. At first MAACKT was a nice side activity that got me acquainted with the great variety of aspects in running a small business. I got some orders now and then, that I made at RDM Makerspace in Rotterdam. The products where also sold at local Concept Stores and I did a number of nice custom made projects for ‘de Groene Passage’ in Rotterdam.

I developed the MAACKT website, designed the logo and the visual identity but moreover made my first entrepreneurial steps.