ICT zelfscan voor docenten voortgezet onderwijs

ICT zelfscan voor docenten voortgezet onderwijs

Een ICT zelfscan voor docenten in het middelbaar onderwijs gebouwd middels php, mysql en javascript. De ICT zelfscan maakt de ICT competenties van docenten inzichtelijk met een radardiagram en een korte remark per competentie met daarin eventuele tips om de...
Industrial Design Master graduation project

Industrial Design Master graduation project

The goal of my Master graduation project was to find a way to re-humanize our living room that is increasingly – and unavoidably – filled with smart technology using smart furniture that allows for quality time with family members. The final product is a smart...
Responsive and spontaneous table

Responsive and spontaneous table

Industrial Design Final Master Project preparation. A prototype to test people response to a piece of furniture that is both active and responsive trough light sound and movement actuators and sensors.  


During this semester I decided to focus on prototyping quality and aesthetics. In this project, I created a chair called Tracey. ” The beauty of chairs is that they are – possibly visually attractive – everyday objects that become an integral part of our homes and...