In navolging van de huisstijl van stichting Dutch Baroque werd mij ook gevraagd de huisstijl voor Dutch Baroque Records te ontwerpen en uit te werken in een aantal cd uitgaves. Dutch Baroque Records staat los van stichting Dutch Baroque en is het label van cd uitgaves...
In opdracht van Vincent Kortleve (docent/trainer fysiotherapie en psychologie) heb ik de vormgeving van zijn boek ‘FYSIOTHERAPEUTISCHE GESPREKSVOERING’ op mij genomen. Naast de algehele opmaak van het boek heb ik ook diverse infographics, schema’s en...
Being one of the people in charge of, and responsible for a teenager club I had the delight of having to come up with a game to be played during a long weekend camp. Considering their love for their smartphones I’d thought to use this for the good. Therefore I...
Having MAACKT up and running for a couple of months I started looking into the possibility of making citymaps cut out of wood. After some research I learned that no-one was doing this thus far whilst printed citymaps were gaining popularity. Some further research and...
I designed a number of of interlocked lasercut lamps for MAACKT. These are constructed via a clamp connection I developed myself. These connections are flexible whilst assembling and rigid when finished due to their specific shape. The goal is to use no glue for...
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